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Becoming a Monthly Donor to  OWR

Monthly donations are what keep our wildlife casualty centre working. They are the bread and butter of our funding, enabling us to rescue, treat and rehabilitate over 4,000 sick, injured and orphaned wild animals every year. Our monthly outgoings at present reach just over £11,000. This includes the rent, electricity, heating/ cooling, staff, food for the animals, medication/ vet costs, ambulance fuel, maintenance.. and more.


If you can help us, please consider setting up a monthly donation to us, so that we can continue to grow the charity and help us save more sick, injured and orphaned wild animals that need our help.

OWR Bank Details

If you would prefer to setup a recurring donation directly to the charities bank account, we have provided the details for this below. 



Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue 

Sort Code      08-92-99
Account Number   67267064 



If you wish for us to claim Gift Aid on your donation

please download the Gift AID form from the link below .

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24-Hr Wildlife Helpline. 07549 322464

Charity No. 1194050

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 Wildlife Casualty Centre

Opening Times
9AM -10PM - Daily

Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue 

Wildlife Casualty Centre 

Woodway Road 


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